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NEWS: 2022 Respiratory Programme dates now on the website!

My aim since setting up LR Respiratory Training & Consultancy in 2016 and taking a more hybrid approach since the pandemic, has always been to provide good quality, accessible and affordable training so I am really excited to announce that I have managed to secure further funding for 2022. Unfortunately places will not be FULLY funded in 2022 but because of the funding I have secured, it means I can offer webinars and modules at significantly reduced prices.

An update on what is available:


18th Jan: Advanced Asthma 6 week Module- Clinical Assessment, Diagnosis & Management of adult asthma x3 webinars: 1st Feb, 15th Feb, 1st March 9:30-10:45.

18th Jan: Advanced 6 week COPD module- Clinical Assessment, Diagnosis & Management of COPD x3 webinars: 1st Feb, 15th Feb, 1st March 11:15-12:30.

19th Jan 9:30-11:45am Introduction to Asthma

19th Jan 12:30-2:45 Introduction to COPD


2nd Feb 9:30-11:15am Inhaler Devices & Techniques

7th Feb 9:30-11:30 Paediatric Asthma

14th Feb 9:30-11:15: Adapting & Adopting: a blended approach to Respiratory Consultations

Previously titled Remote Consultations

16th Feb 9:30-11:15 Clinical Examination of the Chest


2nd March 9-11am Performing Spirometry

2nd March 12:30-2:30pm Interpreting Spirometry

9th March 9:30-11:45 An Update in Asthma

9th March 12:30-2:45 An update in COPD

15th March 9:30-11:15 Breathlessness & Differential Diagnosis (must have completed Clinical Examination of the Chest first)

Coming very soon:

Case Studies in Asthma An interactive session based on case studies where delegates can also raise their own case studies for discussion

Case Studies in COPD An interactive session based on case studies where delegates can also raise their own case studies for discussion

To register for any course, please follow the link to the website, ensure it is the session for you and then complete the registration form- there is a registration button at the bottom of each course page.

You can follow the LR Respiratory Training & Consultancy page on Facebook & receive notifications of new dates @respiratoryeducation

I look forward to welcoming you to future courses!


LR Respiratory Training & Consultancy


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